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Arsenal’s Blue LED bar stays illuminated even though I’m not updating the firmware

Okay, this can mean two different things. To figure out which, open your WiFi settings.

Can your phone see Arsenal’s Wi-Fi network? It will start with “arsenal”.

Okay, this means Arsenal is in “recovery mode”. This can occur accidentally by holding the power button for a long time, or it could mean Arsenal ran into trouble with its software. To exit recovery mode, hold down Arsenal’s power button for 8 seconds to reset the device. If this doesn’t work, you can try adding a new Arsenal on the connection screen (iOS only) or try manually connecting to Arsenal by selecting the Arsenal network in your phone’s WiFi settings. When connecting to Arsenal WiFi manually, use the password "arsenal1234". Close and reopen the app and follow the instructions when prompted.

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If you were able to successfully download a firmware update to your phone and transfer it to your Arsenal, but the Blue LEDs are still permanently illuminated and your Arsenal isn't broadcasting an "arsenal" Wi-Fi network, there is a good chance your Arsenal needs to cool down to properly install the updates. There was a thermal management issue in an early version of the firmware that has been addressed in subsequent updates. The method for getting the update to properly install is slightly unorthodox, but it assures Arsenal will be kept cool while installing the update. Don’t worry, you’ll only have to do this once.

  1. Turn off your Arsenal by pressing the power button until the green power LED turns off, it should take about 10 seconds.
  2. Place your Arsenal in a freezer for about 10 minutes.
  3. Open your freezer and turn your Arsenal on, but leave your Arsenal in the freezer until the update fully installs. This usually takes between 12 and 15 minutes. You’ll know the update has been successfully installed when the Blue LEDs turn off.
  4. Remove your Arsenal from the freezer and connect with your phone.

This should solve your issue and ensure that your Arsenal is up to date and ready to use. Once again, we're sorry for the inconvenience. Please let us know if you have any questions.

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